Education & Research Trainings

Welcome to the Alpha Theta Center Education and Research Consultation Page

Whether you are a clinician learning how to interpret your client’s EEGs, or a researcher examining the efficacy of an intervention, then you have come to the right place. We offer quality educational coursework covering EEG and ERP digital signal processing and analysis techniques at all levels.

We have designed a series of webinars to help you learn both basic and advanced principles of digital signal processing and how these principles apply to the EEG, in a clinical or research setting. We have structured our education like a small academy, starting with a foundation and graduating up, ensuring no one gets lost along the way.

Why clinicians study with us:

We design some of our education with a clinician’s viewpoint in mind. In other words, we teach clinicians how advanced EEG tools can be used and applied to their clinical data.

We are experts with a clear conceptualization of various techniques which provide insight into brain dynamics for beginning and advanced users.

Why researchers study with us:

We practice the discipline of experimental psychology:

We can design an experimental paradigm with optimal parameters in terms of EEG and behavioral studies.

We can help you develop novel analysis tools needed using modern principles in signal processing (filter theory, time-frequency domain data processing, such as Fourier Transform, Wavelet analysis, cross-frequency coupling, Granger Causality, MVAR etc)

 We have deep experience in inferential statistics, and applied mathematics, particularly linear algebra for spatial filter method like ICA and source analysis.

Why we are qualified:

We have strong collective scientific and clinical backgrounds: Team members include reviewers for established journals, recipients of competitive grant funding from the National Institute of Health in excess of millions of dollars and presenters of scientific data at multiple Society for Neuroscience conferences, with the latest submission being this past 2018.

The Future of Neurofeedback: Event Related Potential + Mismatch Negativity Acquisition Workshop

Advanced 2 Day Hands on Workshop with optional EEGLAB Refresher Course in San Diego, California. 

Details coming soon.

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